Latest Henna Mehndi Design 2020
The art of Henna or in simple terms Mehndi design has been around for centuries. The usage of Mehndi originated from its healing, cooling and medicinal properties. People in hotter areas used mehndi for cooling affect and because it left stains on the skin, that is what basically gave the idea for decorative purpose and Mehndi designing. This later grew into a trend and Mehndi became deeply rooted into people’s lives.
Henna Mehndi
Henna or Mehndi is now a form of art and an expression of happiness in a lot of regions and cultures around the world. When it comes to celebrations or any occasion, be it marriage, birthdays, religious festivals or any festivity, women rely on Mehndi designs to make it special. Women love Mehndi and designing for decorative purposes and adorn themselves with it. Mehndi has become a symbol of portraying happiness and celebratory events in everyone’s lives.

Mehndi has been a huge part of Asian, Arabian and African cultures but in recent years, it has garnered a lot of popularity in Western cultures too. This has also given the art of Mehndi designing various forms like white mehndi or tattooed mehndi which is different and unique than the regular mehndi that we all know and well and truly love.
Mehndi are the most unique way of adorning oneself and it is incredible how much margin there is for showcasing one’s creativity and designs. There are numerous ways of putting on Mehndi and let’s have a look over some of the popular designs:
Simple Mehndi Designs:
Simple Mehndi Designs are the kind of designs that are easy to be applied for the mehndi artists. Such kind of designs are not complicated and make the application very effortless. Simple designs do not mean that they can not be on the heavy side but they don’t require too much intricate work. Simple mehndi designs are mostly Eid appropriate. On Eids, not everyone likes to go for heavy and fuller designs, that is why people go for simple mehndi designs.

Teg: Henna Mehndi Design | Latest Henna Mehndi Desing | Best Mehndi Design | Henna Mehndi Images | Mehndi Designs For Kids.