Best Friendship Shayari - Dosti shayari in Urdu,Hindi & English

Best Friendship Shayari - Dosti shayari in Urdu,Hindi & English

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Friendship Shayari

friendship shayari

Friendship Rules
Friendship Rules No Drama No Excuse No Sorry No Thanks Don't Say I am Busy Just Always Say . . . . Yar Hukam Kar Tery Liye Jan Bhi Hazir Ha . . . . . . . . Deni Nai Wo Alag Baat Ha…

Good friends are like angels that lifts us up, when our wings have forgotten how to fly. Good friends are like angels that lifts us up, when our wings have forgotten how to fly.

Real friends
Real Friends do not get offended

when you insult them.

They smile and call you something

even more offensive :P ;)

respect friends
Respect those friends who find time for you

In their busy schedule.

But really love those friends who never see their

Schedule when you need them

Same Friend
Everyone has a friend

during each stage of life

But only lucky ones have

the same friend in all stages

of life.

really your friend
I am not really your friend until

I start insulting you on a daily basis.
Shadow of friendship
A true friend is like a cool shadow of tree
When you get tired of hot weather
You sit under this shadow of friendship

"Be my true friend for always"
Mere Dost
Ae dost Allah kary tum jeo hazar baras
Aur har baras kay ho hazaar saal
I don't care
A nice quote by a true friend
"I don't care when you disturb me, it disturbs me when you don't disturb me"
True friend
A short but nice sentence by a true friend
"Surely Hurt me with truth, but never please me with a lie"
Fish said to water
Fish said to water: You can't see my tears because I am in water…
Water replied: But I can feel your tears because you are in my heart..

It is Friendship which enables you to know your friend's feeling.
Never keep your good friends
Never keep your good friends in your eyes
They may fall as tears from your eyes
Always place them in your heart
So that every heart-beat remind you
A Friend mean
What does a Friend mean?
FRIEND Stands for
F: Forever with you
R: Remembers you in his prays
I: Increase you Joys
E: Enters into your heart
N: Never hurts you
D: Decrease you sorrows

I am proud my dear "friend"
Friend is like blood
A Philosopher has very nicely said
"Friend is like blood, though they are not seen in your skin but it comes out when you are wounded"
Friends are like mirror
Friends are like mirror
You see yourself in it and
Come to know about your good and bad qualities.
It encourages you for good deeds and removes your bad qualities
Always respect your friends
Heart has 4 chambers
Heart has 4 chambers

1 Chamber for God
1 Chamber for Papa
1 Chamber for Mom
1 Chamber for Love
No chamber for Friends
Because Friends are heart-beats
And Life is due to these heart-beats
A good friend
A good friend is like a Fragrance
When you remind of it
It makes you happy and feel good
And you are my good friend
The sweetness
The sweetness of chocolate remains
On tongue for sometime but the
Sweetness of friends like remains
In heart forever and always

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